OK, basically I did not enjoy flying with Air France at all.
2 years ago, I had made up bottles of formula and I was allowed through with them (I think I had to taste them, but I can't recall). I had been told I could put them in a fridge on the plane, but it turns out AF don't have fridges! So definitely have a good quality cooler bag.
If I had to do it again, I'd bring powdered formula and buy spring water at the airport after security. If you are expressing, bring the pump,too, but the powdered formula is a good back up (just make sure your baby will drink it first!). I've also had problems with the formula boxes - I had to pour them all out into bottles at Manchester airport this past November. That's why I think powder and water are best.
The bassinet was good, but they fought me at every turn over my stroller. Because I had to connect at CDG, I wanted the stroller on the plane rather than in the hold. They wouldn't do it. So I ended up walking the entire length of CDG with an 8 month old and all my carry-on luggage to get to the connecting gate. If you use a Baby Bjorn or similar, do so. I didn't bring mine then as I didn't think I need it!
My stroller was also broken by the time it got to the US. After a long fight with AF, I got money for it and bought a new one.
But, bear in mind this was all 2 years ago. I hope my experience was mostly a fluke. But forewarned is best!
Good luck!