I wish there was a Newbie Chat Board where folks still in the States wanting to embark on the UK journey could chit chat and commiserate about our worries, dreams, visa frustrations, etc. The board would not be used for any firm, legal advice...just community.
The Visa & Citizenship forum is rather businesslike & legal (as it should be because there are serious consequences to bad advice).
Chit Chat forum seems to be more for folks already in the UK (although they are very friendly but I worry that I am wasting their time).
I want to be able to post things like without a topic lock & move:
"I can't believe how far away my Biometrics place is from my house?"
"When did you first start seriously considering the UK?"
"How long are you staying in the US after your visa is approved?"
"What do you need to wrap up before you go?"
This is the stage I am at in the process and these are the things I would like to commiserate on. However, I don't post them because if the topic gets moved to another board, it will seem out of place.
However, I want to say that I am not complaining. Everyone has been absolutely fabulous and I will be several months working off the debt I owe to this community.