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Topic: Things you really wish people wouldn't say  (Read 16394 times)

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Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« on: March 25, 2009, 01:22:17 AM »
Recently, DH has been getting really annoyed when people say "24/7".  He thinks the correct expression is "24 hours a day".  This doesn't bother me, but I really hate when people say "I could care less" when they really mean that they couldn't care less.  Some other things I wish people could be persuaded not to say :

"Irregardless" -- This is not a word!  It's "regardless" or "irrespective" not a combination of the two.

An old roommate used to apply "more than life itself" to just about everything, for example "I hate that class more than life itself" "It's more annoying than life itself"  If I hadn't understood that she didn't have a clue what she was talking about, I'd have thought she was a suicide risk! 

There are more, but I can't think of them at the moment.  What are some things that you wish people wouldn't say?

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 01:29:31 AM »
"So why don't you just get on a plane and move over there now?"  ::) If only it were that easy....

One of my main pet peeves is "close proximity." What other kind of proximity is there? Either it's near or it's not... No need to say "close close". It's especially annoying when I hear it on the news or something else official.

Irregardless is one of mine, too.
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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 01:31:56 AM »
I literally hate it when someone tells me they literally...
    ... fell off their chair laughing.
        ... died of embarassment.
            ... et cetera, et cetera.

Oh, and qualifying superlatives.  "Unique" is the one that bothers me the most.  Something is either unique or it's not.  Nothing is "particularly unique" or "very unique".  Ugh.

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2009, 02:00:52 AM »

ASAP means "As Soon As Possible" but it always is used to mean "Stop whatever you are doing and do this now."
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. ~ Teddy Roosevelt

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2009, 02:32:19 AM »
A guy I work with uses the word conversate. A lot. I really hate it. :-\\\\ He thinks he sounds intelligent when he says it but he just sounds like a dumbass.

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2009, 02:48:14 AM »
A guy I work with uses the word conversate. A lot. I really hate it. :-\\\\ He thinks he sounds intelligent when he says it but he just sounds like a dumbass.

I had a principal who did this! Drove me nuts. I wanted to scream or email back "It's 'converse' you idiot!!!!!!" He also loved the word "expeditiously" instead of just saying "quickly". 
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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2009, 03:06:01 AM »
A guy I work with uses the word conversate. A lot. I really hate it. :-\\\\ He thinks he sounds intelligent when he says it but he just sounds like a dumbass.

I used to be guilty of this one but I was young and didn't know conversate wasn't a word.

I really don't like when people use Gay when they are trying to say something is stupid...

Like "that's gay"  Drives me insane!

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2009, 03:07:37 AM »
I wish that no one would ever end a sentence in a preposition ever again!  I have a degree in journalism and an annoying love affair with the AP style book. I am saddened that it is acceptable in daily speech to end sentences in prepositions and even worse that people will look at you like you're a crazy person if you go out of your way to not end a sentence in a preposition.   My most hated one is when people add the word "at" to the end of a sentence when the sentence was perfectly complete and grammatically correct without "at" being thrown on at then end.  "Where's the ball at?"   *shudder*

Oh and also the word "myself"... people seem to think this makes them seem smart when they say things like "the project will be lead by Joe and myself" rather than "Joe and me".

Oy. I should have never clicked on this thread :)

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2009, 03:20:39 AM »
the word "irregardless" *really* bothers me...however...it is apparently a real word.

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2009, 03:27:51 AM »
I think its only a "real" word because people have continued to use in in error.  I was happy to see that the entry in the dictionary says "it is still a long way from general acceptance"

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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2009, 03:29:40 AM »
I wish that no one would ever end a sentence in a preposition ever again!  I have a degree in journalism and an annoying love affair with the AP style book. I am saddened that it is acceptable in daily speech to end sentences in prepositions and even worse that people will look at you like you're a crazy person if you go out of your way to not end a sentence in a preposition.   My most hated one is when people add the word "at" to the end of a sentence when the sentence was perfectly complete and grammatically correct without "at" being thrown on at then end.  "Where's the ball at?"   *shudder*

Oh and also the word "myself"... people seem to think this makes them seem smart when they say things like "the project will be lead by Joe and myself" rather than "Joe and me".

Oy. I should have never clicked on this thread :)

You might not want to ever visit the South (US). They love to add extra prepositions around here!!
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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2009, 04:00:37 AM »
Oh and also the word "myself"... people seem to think this makes them seem smart when they say things like "the project will be lead by Joe and myself" rather than "Joe and me".
Oy. I should have never clicked on this thread :)

Oh I am so with you on the use of "myself", that one is a pet peeve of mine at work.  :P

I am guilty of ending sentences in prepositions, but hey I did just read that it is perfectly acceptable in these modern times.. does that help?  [smiley=curtain.gif]

My least favorite thing to hear is "idiot". I instantly cringe. Friends used to tease me about being the politically correct police, but I can't help it. In my eyes it's never going to be funny and I just don't like to hear it.
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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2009, 05:33:26 AM »
it's not entirely applicable as far as speaking out loud goes, but i hate hate hate when people write "your" when they mean "you're".  my cousin does this all over her facebook page and she is an 8th grade english teacher!  i find it appalling. 

Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2009, 05:46:09 AM »
A guy I work with uses the word conversate.


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Re: Things you really wish people wouldn't say
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2009, 07:24:50 AM »
"I have to go somewhere bad"

"Badly" I usually whisper.

More dark is supposed to be just darker.

"...she is someone that is..." She/he aren't "thats", use "who."

So far, all of my textbooks that have been written by political scientists who believe that less is bad and more is better, and use phrases like "never possible."  [smiley=bomb.gif] WHY NOT JUST USE "IMPOSSIBLE!!!"
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