Hi all, I have a lot of questions so please bear with me.
I have been living in the UK for a number of years but was incorrectly informed that I didn't have to file a tax return if I made below 70,000. (This was by an H&R Block representitive
Anyway I want to come back into compliance and have been trying to figure out how I go about this. On the sticky post at the top of this section it says file the last 3 years which is also what is recommended on the US Embassy site. Assuming this is correct I need to file for 2006, 2007 and 2008
Starting in June 2006 I started a small LTD company which has been the sole income I have had since that time. I only went LTD because many of the the contracts I do require it.
I am well under the Maximum Foreign Earned Income Exclusion limit for all years.
We (my wife and I) have savings in the bank of over $10,000
I am married to a British Citizen who has a social security number from a time in 1991-92 when we lived in the USA. She never earned any US income or filed any tax returns.
Starting this year I had a small amount of interest on a US bank account which was opened because my mother wanted to give some money to my son for future schooling but as he doesn't have a SS number couldn't be opened in his name.
Based on the above I am trying to figure out what Forms I need to fill out
I figure Form 1040 married filed separately, Form 2555, Form 5471? and TDF90-22.1?
Is this right and if so are there any other forms needed? Looking at the 1040 it mentions schedule SE for self employment but I think I need to fill out a Form 5471 so do I need the Schedule SE?
Also concerning the TDF90-22.1, Do I need to fill one out for the last 3 years also or just one for this year.
How does one go about getting the information from previous years concerning the Foreign Bank Account amounts and Do I need to report my wife's personal accounts which I don't have access?
Is it worth hiring a firm to sort this out and if so how much can I expect to pay for each year? I hate to spend a lot of money if unnecessary but would hate to go to jail worse. Has anyone else been in a similar situation and had to do this and how was the experience?
Is there anywhere else I can go for tax advice?
Any other advice would be welcome.
Thanks very much, This is so stressful.