I overstayed my Visitor Visa in UK when I went over to get married. Overstayed 4 yrs. Had a lawyer dealing with my case trying to get me settlement while in the UK. Obviously I was advised wrong, and as soon as I found out this wasn't possible, I returned to USA.
My dad was ill. He passed away 7 days later when I was in USA. I lost my passport in this time. Things were a mess, and my head was all over the place. Applied for a new one, and booked a ticket back to UK after 4 wks. I knew I could have applied for my Spouse Visa in this time, but didn't go with that intention as my dad was only thing on my mind. Returned to UK with no problem. Stamped 6 months again. Spent time with my husband, pulling myself together after dad's death, and returned to USA before 6 months expiration. Researched spouse visa application requirements, and needed to return to UK to pick up few more documents/personal belongings. I didnt know the visa could take up to 3 months. Thought I would have it in a week or 2. Immigration Officer asked how long and why I was coming back to UK. I said for 1 week just to pick up some things for my visa application and personal things. He did not believe my intentions were genuine and did not believe I was genuinly married. Wanted to see my marriage cert. I didn't have this. But I knew my intentions were genuine & i was not lieing. I also knew my previous overstay could refuse me entry and I understood this.
That's what happened. So now I am applying for my Spouse Visa in order to return.
What I would like to know is... if you guys think my story will come under rule 320 (11). Where they can refuse for overstaying... I know my story is genuine and I am being 100% truthful. I hope it does not fall under deception or illegal entry as that's not what I did. But I hope they dont get that impression... honesty's the best policy right?
Any opinions if you think I will be refused?
Thx in advance x