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Topic: Decision to move reaffirmed!  (Read 1794 times)

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Decision to move reaffirmed!
« on: July 13, 2004, 06:48:38 PM »
Well I just got back from the US with the wee boy. Travel was a boody nightmare, never ever again will I travel with an infant without my husband or someone else to help! Yikes. But my stay there? I wondered before I went if I'd spend my whole time in the US thinking "Oh but I'm going to miss England so much, this really isn't worth it." Well, I wondered wrong. :) I can't WAIT to move back to the US! Yes I'm going to miss England massively, but I miss the US massively so it cancels out. :) I just can't wait to be back. I just hope one day we can wind up on the East Coast!!!

Counting down the days... hopefully we have our interview in about 6 weeks! Waiting for notification..... !!!
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: Decision to move reaffirmed!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2004, 07:13:41 PM »
Come on notification AND interview  :D

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Re: Decision to move reaffirmed!
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2004, 12:15:12 AM »
glad you had a great time. its nice to get your reaffirmation considering how horrible the process seems when youre in the thick of it. that little boost reminds you its all worth it.

sorry the travel bit was harsh!
Me (US/UK), DH (UK/US), DD (US/UK)
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Re: Decision to move reaffirmed!
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2004, 06:34:45 AM »
So, from your POV Marlespo... what was good about the US?

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Re: Decision to move reaffirmed!
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2004, 02:04:07 PM »
The baby rice was better. I could drive without freaking out. My family was there. Philip had 16 cousins to play with, instead of his 1 cousin here. Baby clothes were way cheaper and way cuter. Diapers were cheaper. The beach was nice and sunny. The radio was better in the car. We had air conditioning. Our bedroom we stayed in was bigger than the entire 1st floor of our current, tiny, English home. I could buy things at 11pm when I needed to. The Chinese food was better. Philip had space for a baby swing, which he loved. Our house here is literally too small for a bloody baby swing. Philip got to spend time with his cousin who is only 2 weeks older than he is. Margaritas, Cheese Sticks, and Buffalo Wings. I didn't have to travel 40 minutes to my nearest shopping center. Sesame Street instead of Fimbles. Big Babys R Us, not the small kind here. Target. Ah the list could go on and on, but the baby squawks in the distance and I must attend...
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: Decision to move reaffirmed!
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2004, 02:13:39 PM »
The baby rice was better. I could drive without freaking out. My family was there. Philip had 16 cousins to play with, instead of his 1 cousin here. Baby clothes were way cheaper and way cuter. Diapers were cheaper. The beach was nice and sunny. The radio was better in the car. We had air conditioning. Our bedroom we stayed in was bigger than the entire 1st floor of our current, tiny, English home. I could buy things at 11pm when I needed to. The Chinese food was better. Philip had space for a baby swing, which he loved. Our house here is literally too small for a bloody baby swing. Philip got to spend time with his cousin who is only 2 weeks older than he is. Margaritas, Cheese Sticks, and Buffalo Wings. I didn't have to travel 40 minutes to my nearest shopping center. Sesame Street instead of Fimbles. Big Babys R Us, not the small kind here. Target. Ah the list could go on and on, but the baby squawks in the distance and I must attend...

Hey Chica, I hear you....  ;D Aaaah, the memories of being back on U.S. soil.. 
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