This is more of an FYI of my experience/my husbands experience at his Visa Interview & our I-864 application. Its not a vent, defamation, negative dig etc. Its simply an FYI of possible issues one may face. If it is deemed not appropriate, its ok I understand that it would be deleted.
Background: Me Laura American Sponsor/petitioner living in UK with ILR since 2003, married Brit hubby Gary. Hubby works here in UK I dont. I have done the spousal Visa application myself from beginning. All went fine including interview. Problems arouse after interview with my I-864 app.
Issues: Interviewer wanted my W2's/$18,300.00 per yr job, even after being reminded several times I am a resident in the UK. Also wanted proof of intent to move, as in asked why we hadnt sold our house yet. Even though hubby mentioned it even says on their site theres no guarantee of a VISA so dont make plans. Said we needed to prove intent to sever all ties in the UK as in shipping quotes, my USA lic, proof of home in USA, USA bank accts, etc. Ok understandable. But, our numbers by using assets more than exceed our min poverty amount for our household size of 2.
Answers/Advice: US Embassy in London will not discuss Visas over phone & impossible (unless you know a contact name) to get answer via snail mail. Insert expensive (over £200 for 45 mins) specialist lawyer in London. Lawyer even scratching head. Best guess we all come up with is: interviewer new, inexperienced, made some mistakes & didnt fully understand form or the situation. Lawyers advises what documentation to provide. Which we will send off via courier and hopefully that will be that & will get Visa. The I-864 instructions dont state that you need to provide proof of what your assets are worth. In hindsight I can see where that should of been obvious to me to supply such documents. How would I expect them to take my word on what something is worth. When relying on assets house, car, etc-make sure you have official documents to state what is owed and its value. House: more than one surveyor valuation & intent from Estate agency to sell house. I was surprised that lawyer felt our total assets dollar amount was borderline. It easily calculated at even 5 times the difference. Sell car now and replace with just something that will get hubby to work. Lawyer said cars arent really a valuable asset, even though we will clear min £6,500/$10,725 on it as we own it free and clear. Our purchase in 2007 of a nice one bedroom mobile home in a park valued at $15,000 lawyer says doesnt look good as an asset as it value is so LOW. So my plan of us having a home free & clear with very very low cost of living expenses, when we arrive in the USA, seems to have back fired. I cant say I agree with everything lawyer says, but I can see his points. In the end I have to do what ever will help to get back to the USA. Proving intent is fairly easy. Home information pack for sale of house here, utility bills from home in USA, bill from phone company in USA, etc.
I hope this can be of help to someone. Laura