BUT, we are absolutely broke. We are only barely making it on my husband's salary. And this is affecting everything. We can't buy a bed. We can't get our sons in preschool for the amount of days we want to. I can't buy new contact lenses. We did go on holiday but only through the generosity of family.
That's one thing we're pretty lucky on, my brother-in-law bought a new house last year which has a finish basement and is virtually a self contained apartment in itself, which we are welcome to stay in as long as needed rent-free (or until we all get fed up which each other!), so that at least takes the stress off finding an apartment without having a job etc.
We've found that our savings here are absolutely at a standstill, granted neither me and my wife are in the highest paid jobs ever, but we're hardly earning minimum wage either, but with council tax, utilities (Our electricity bill is Absurbly high compared to the US) and just general higher cost of living is making it not very likely we'd be able to afford a house here, unless we're interesed in a one bedroom shoebox in Chavsville.
I think what we're finding is that it feels like there is a slight bit of complacency here in the UK, and I am massively generalising here, but it almost seems like there are entry level jobs, 5+ experience jobs which only pay mildly more than the entry level ones, and then there are management jobs with not much inbetween, at least thats our annecdotal experiences.
What we're trying not to do though is assume the U.S is the answer to the problems, we realize we'll be working a lot more hours, have half the holiday that we have available here and healthcare will be expensive (although due to my local gp surgerys being generally crap here, I prefer the private system).
We've done the whole pro/con sheet and weighing things up, would prefer the negatives of the U.S than the U.K, which probably means expect a thread in a years time saying has anyone moved back from the U.K to the U.S to the U.K :\\\'( (oh god I hope I'm joking!)