I think if you allow people access to your personal data you have to take it that they are free to do with that information what they will. You cannot instruct someone else how to handle their facebook account.
Yes, exactly.
If you would object to someone displaying pictures of yourself or your family in their living room or having them in a physical photo album, you shouldn't give them access to the photos in the first place, whether that's through email or on a site like facebook.
I agree with this, too. I would even go so far as to say that if you object to someone displaying/sharing photos of yourself or your family *in any way, shape or form* then you shouldn't give them access to the photos in the first place.
For the record, she's my daughter, and it's my husband & my decision. My Aunt disregarded my decision. Because, if I really didn't care who can see my daughter, then my photos would be public for everyone to see.
Was your aunt ever explicitly informed of your decision? If your cousin's girlfriend hadn't messaged you and told you she'd seen the photos, but your aunt later mentioned she'd shown them to the girlfriend, would you be so angry with your aunt? Are you more irritated by the fact that your aunt allowed this girl to access the photos, or because she messaged you and gave you a compliment, or because your privacy "rules" have been violated? I fully understand the concept of wanting to maintain a level of privacy when it comes to photos and the internet - but you cannot reasonably assume that everyone has the same priorities as you and your husband when it comes to your daughter.
If you haven't talked to her and told her what she did to upset you, I very seriously doubt she will apologize or explain.
IAWTC, too.
I don't think you are wrong to be surprised, or even a little taken aback, by the message from the girlfriend. I do, however, think you have overreacted by defriending your aunt, especially if you have done so without explaining what has prompted your action, as it sounds like you have. If you removed her from your friends list with no explanation and are hoping she will notice and contact you with a grovelling apology, I imagine you will be waiting a long time....