I ask because I honestly have no idea how to entertain an infant - would a playmobile type of thing or something else non-TV related not have the same effect?
I know everyone has ideas of how they will parent before they are actually confronted with reality but I had hoped I could stay firm to the "no TV before age 2 or 3" but it seems like EVERYONE does it (even people I know who said they wouldn't!)
Hehe...I had the same thought when DD was born. I was going to be the most wholesome mother and she wouldn't be one of those kids plonked in front of the tv all day by the time she was 2.
But there are a few problems.
1.) She loves her playmat and her jumparoo, but her attention span seems to be about 20-30 minutes. And even then, she has gotten to the age where she wants someone to play with her. Baby Einstein gives us another 20-30 minutes of entertainment and this time we don't have to watch with her!
2.) We live in a small flat and all her toys are in the lounge with the TV. It can be very boring looking after a small infant, so I watched a lot of tv when she was first born. She was therefore aware of the tv from an early age and it seemed to capture her attention. So now even when I have the news on, she will turn and watch from her playmat for a few seconds and then go back to playing.
I really wish I could have ended up as a parent that didn't let their kids watch TV until they were older. I think its a great goal.