If anyone's interested, the 150th anniversary of
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins is this month and there's a very cool project underfoot to mark the occasion! Paul Lewis (who also does 'Money Box' on Radio 4) is serialising
The Woman in White and will email it in bits to you if you sign up - just the way people read it in chapters 150 years ago. Not only that, but you get the original illustrations as well!
One hundred and fifty years after its first publication The Woman in White is being published once more in its original weekly parts. For the first time in one and a half centuries readers can enjoy the original text. And experience the agonising week's wait after each cliff hanging ending.
The story first appeared as a serial in Charles Dickens's periodical All The Year Round beginning on Saturday 26 November 1859 and ending on Saturday 25 August 1860.
The parts are being published week by week 150 years after their original publication on the same calendar date. The first part will be available on Thursday 26 November 2009 and the last on Wednesday 25 August 2010, in the morning UK time.http://www.wilkiecollins.com/ (Click on the link that says 'Goes Live 26 November 2009')
Email Paul Lewis at paul@paullewis.co.uk with
The Woman in White as the subject line to sign up.
I hope people join in because it really sounds like fun!