Hi -
I am 4 weeks away from my Xmas/New years holiday in the UK and I am already starting my ritual stressing about what to pack, what will I wear, what shoes will I want to wear, what will the weather be like etc etc. I am a chronic over packer! I usually have two full uprights + a carry on (thank the gods, Virgin has a generous backage allowance). BF always teases at me as I struggle through arrivals with my trolley full of match luggage
Does anyone have any advice on how to stream line this process. I have never been good at packing "outfits" - the word actually makes me cringe. But maybe I am missing the point totally.
And how about the shoes, one needs a least two pairs of boots, dressy heals and a casual walk around shoe. These take up soooo much space.
I am meeting more of my BF's family and we are attending xmas and new years events, I want to look perfect and its so much easier to just pack everything and decided what to wear in the moment like I do at home but obviously this isn't realstic. PLUS, I want to blend in-I don't want to look like an overdressed Yank.
We'll be in Manchester half the time and Wales the other half. Wales is easy because its dead casual and laid back. But the social bits will be happening in the city.
Please help!!!!