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Topic: Greyhounds  (Read 511 times)

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« on: December 05, 2009, 12:58:38 PM »
my partner and I have 2 rescued greyhounds. We love them to bits . But the stuff they went through before we rescued them is just awful.

 If anyone isnt aware, I just wanted to make this post to make people aware of the treatment they get in the racing industry.

-Over 15,000 greyhounds,bred for racing at put to death after being considered not fit to race. Either from age or lack of winning. They are killed by either putting bricks around their neck and thrown in the water, they pay people to shoot them,or are sold to foreign countries as "meat".

If the racing industry doesn't kill the dogs then they cut off their ears to remove their ID which is tattooed inside their ear and then dumped on the side of the road.

A greyhound is for life,not for racing

One of the retired rescued greyhounds that we have is 13 years old. My partner rescued her. When my partner found her 3 years ago she was skin and bones and scavagging. She couldnt even walk 3 steps without collapsing. Her teeth were so rotten it created an abcess and damaged her stomach and was given days to live. But luckily he took her took her away and brung her to the vet and got treatment. Luckily she has lived through it and healthy now

The point of this post?? ...Say No to greyhound racing. Don't go to it and don't bet on it,so it comes to an end through financial support. It makes me so angry how they use these dogs for money and then "dispose" of them like they are garbage once they arent brining in any money.

Greyhounds are very lovely and sweet dogs. If you're considering getting a dog,please look into adopting a retired/rescued greyhound. Check this site to see if a greyhound shelter is near you http://www.retiredgreyhounds.co.uk/

And Visit www.greyhoundaction.org.uk for more info about the racing industry and how they treat the dogs,  thanks

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