Well, we are now almost 6 months into our UK adventure. We've had both sets of parents over for a visit -- nice visits both times. My parents were here for a week and just left on Saturday. It was a great visit, but I have been kind of blue knowing that we won't get back to the States to see our families again until August. Not that long, I know, but it seems like a long time.
I am trying very hard to adjust. I try everyday to put on a brave face and cope with things. I say things are "fine", when they aren't, because when I tell my husband how I am really feeling he gets upset and says "But I thought you were happy." Well, I am trying to be happy, but it's a lot of hard fricking work sometimes! So, he accuses me of pretending that I am fine. Well, sometimes you gotta fake it, because it will do me no good to cry in the middle of the playground or Sainsbury's. I try to be cheerful and upbeat, but then when I get down and depressed he acts all confused, like I can only feel one way or another.
What I am really struggling with now, is resentment towards my husband for moving us over here. I know, I am an adult, and did agree to this move, but it was his idea and he pushed for it. I agreed because I've said no to moves in the past and felt like a witch for always saying no, so I said yes. I hate moving. I dislike change of any kind. I had a terrible time with post-partum depression after my son's birth and it hung around for over 2 years. I was finally feeling back to "myself" last winter, then hubby came up with the brilliant idea to move to the UK. "It will be fun, an adventure," said he. Now I am wondering if this move hasn't been a bad idea, rather than a good one.
Well, it has been some kind of adventure, but I wouldn't describe it as fun. I had lots of friends in Minneapolis, would speak with someone on the phone almost everday, get together a couple times a week for coffee, have a "girl's night out" with my college girlfriends at least once a month. I know, it takes time to make friends here, but I have a hard time meeting new people and opening up to them. I had one friend, who I had thought was a really good friend, but our moving over here destroyed the relationship, for lots of reasons. I had thought I could trust her, but she totally betrayed that trust. For that reason I am having a really hard time trusting and opening up to new people here.
I feel very lonely and resent the heck (but stronger) out of my husband for putting me into this situation. To top it off, there are several loose ends that need clearing up, mostly financial stuff. When I ask him to please take care of it he tells me he will, then makes one e-mail or phone call and forgets about it for another couple weeks, when I ask about it again he tells me he's very busy with work. I know that, but what about our life? I asked him last night if his work was more important than our family and he said "Of course not", but you know how actions speak louder than words. It's getting so that if I say anything about anything I feel I am nagging him, but these are issues HE has to take care of, due to their nature.
I love my husband, but I don't like him much at all right now. I am trying hard to get involved with things, like my son's school and my volunteer organization, but it's a struggle. I feel like I had my life set up comfortably back in Minneapolis, now everything's been turned upside down and inside out. This has really taken a toll on our relationship and I don't want that. His answer is to say "Well, I'll just find a way to move back to the States." I don't know if I can go through the stress, not to mention the expense, of moving again so soon! So, I don't think that's an option.
How do I get past these feelings of resentment, loss, and loneliness? Does it just really take time? Should we seek out some counseling? Will it get better?
OK, now that I've poured my innermost feelings out I'm going to hide in the closet again.