Welcome to all the new faces! All the information you need on driving licenses is out there, but there's so MUCH of it that it's sometimes hard to know what to read, and what is relevant to you. I'll give you some headlines and some URLs to start to answer everyone's questions.
Please read right through this, and carefully. Some of you are making incorrect guesses ... and I would hate to have to say "I did warn you" later on
1-2-3-4- drive in the UK!1. If you come from the USA to the UK and hold a full driving license (and not just a learner's permit) from the USA, you'll be legally allowed to drive in the UK for up to 1 year from your date of entering the country (visitor / student) or becoming a resident (if settling). (There are more restrictive exceptions if you want to drive a bus or a truck). See
http://www.dvla.gov.uk/drivers/drvingb.htm2. If you want to drive beyond 1 year and you hold a driving license from the USA, you'll need to
a) Obtain a provisional license (a learner's permit). Apply on form D1 which you can get from the post office.
b) Take a hazard test, a theory test and a practical test and pass all three
before you're allowed to legally drive on the UK roads once your year is up.
3. UK citizens who are driving for the first time have to be accopmanied by a mature driver with some experience while driving on a provisional license, but holders of full USA licenses do not need to be accompanied during their first year even if they also have a provisional license in preparation for their UK tests.
4. When you've passed the practical test, which is the last of the three, you'll send in your paperwork and get a full driving license which is what a lot of job applications ask for. Most employers would accept copies of the papers if you've passed your test and sent off for the full license and it hasn't arrived, and I think most would accept your USA license if you're in the process of getting a full UK one - what they want is someone who they can ask to drive.
Other notesNote that drivers with European and certain other driving licenses can exchange them for British ones without taking a test, but this concession does NOT apply to USA licenses.
There is a legal requirement to be insured up to a certain level when driving in the UK, and most insurance
policies cover named drivers for particular vehicles. If you're joining someone in the UK and going to be using
their vehicle, they will need to add you to the insurance. Sometimes, this may mean that they will have to change to another insurance company as some won't insure certain classes of drivers - e.g. drivers who have not held a full UK license for x years.
All of the above is written to the best of my knowledge, but I may be out of date / incorrect on some issues and you should check with the relevant web sites or authorities. I have also provided just the "bare bones" of answers and simplified in some areas.
Personal comments and suggestionsObtaining a provisional license is NOT just as easy as sending off a form. You need a photo signed by a person of some repute in the UK who is not a relative and who has known you for two years, for example. We don't have identity cards in the UK, and the driver's license is often used as an alternative - so the issuing authority takes great care to avoid identity theft.
Roads in the UK are narrower, parking spaces smaller and traffic faster. The UK test is much harder to pass and (I understand) has a higher failure rate than USA driving exams.
Rules of the road are different to the USA, and you should study these and get plenty of practise before your test with a stick shift (if you're going to want to drive one - a test taken on an automatic is good only for driving automatics), driving on the left, and negotiating roundabouts, etc. It's worth paying a professional for lessons even if you've driven for years and think you know it all.
The UK has an excellent public transport system in many places and although you might think you need a car / need to drive, this may NOT be the case. I would not want to own a car in central London or Bristol, for example, and could do very well by train / bus except for my job. I routinely use public transport when visiting London and Oxford, and try to do so when flying out of Heathow or Gatwick because parking costs there are crazy.
There's plenty of other advise in earlier posts on this board and elsewhere on UK-Yankee and the net - you're not the first folks to go through this so you should be able to find what yoiu need. If you have difficulty finding the information / want pointers / want to discuss, I'll be delighted to join in.
Please let me know of any corrections / additions to this, as it might form a useful resource for others too