I've seen a few references to the UK/US double tax treaty, heck, I referenced it myself. It seems to my untrained eye that the treaty is designed to prevent double taxation, however, it seems from many things I've read that essentially, the IRS can double tax everything thanks to the Article 1, 'saving clause'. So, is there actually anything that is truly exempted from the IRS trying to get their hands on (for US citizens). If not, what exactly is the point of the convention. I'm sure I'm missing something, no, I hope that I'm missing something. My concern, now that I have a pension, is what will happen when I start drawing that money out? It seems that it should only be taxed in the source country, in this case, the UK. Is that true? Ahhh. Probably doesn't really matter, everything will change in the minimum 40 years before I retire. In the meantime, everything that can be, will be in my partner's name.