Sorry, I know this isn't what everybody wants to hear but I delivered my daughter with the use of forceps and it was awful. The only thing I was truly terrified of was forceps and, of course, that's just what I got.
I did everything the midwives tell you to do: I bounced on my ball, walked around, tried to stay calm and listened to my music, got DH to rub my back. I even (against my better judgement I might add) decided to forgo the epidural in favour of gas and air, and later, a shot of pethidine. According to the midwives, an epidural makes you more prone to needing forceps, an episiotomy or tearing as you "can't feel to push properly", they told me. Well, my result was a forceps delivery (after the pethidine had worn off) with nothing more than a local anesthetic and gas/air. After 20 hours of labour, apparently the cord was wrapped around DD's head, which was preventing her from crowning. They had to do an episiotomy to get the forceps in, but unfortunately I ended up with a 3rd degree tear as well.
To make matters worse, they had to give me the spinal block after DD was born in order to stitch me up. So, I STILL ended up with forceps, episiotomy, bad tear and a catheter but without the benefit of pain relief while it was all happening. Ah, the irony. IF there's a next time (because this experience had definitely put me off going through that hell again), you can bet I'll be first in line demanding (not requesting, DEMANDING) an epidural or possibly even a C-section. I'll never go through the experience of a "natural" birth again after that. It's now been 14 months and my body STILL isn't working properly yet as a result.