I currently work part-time, and am also self-employed. I am only recently just now sitting down to actually fill in my tax returns (I thought I could do it online but seems you have to have a pin which you can only get if you filed for 2008, which I didn't have to do, so paper copies it is) and wanted to double check with people in the same situation that I'm doing things correctly. I emailed the IRS a while ago to see which forms I needed to fill out as a US citizen living abroad who is employed and self-employed abroad (with no sales or income of any sort in/from the US). They told me to do the 1040 and that I would have to attach a Schedule C Form to account for "Profit or Loss from Business." Does this sound right?
Also, Form 1040, line 27 asks about self-employment tax, the amount of which you get by doing Schedule SE. However, I know there's that thing with an agreement between the US and UK to only tax income for social security once, by the country you reside in - a "totalisation agreement" or something like that. The Schedule SE instructions say if you want to be exempt from the US taxing your income for those purposes, you have to contact HMRC and have them write a statement saying your self-employed income will be taxed for those purposes in the UK. Has anyone done this and are they easy enough to get from HMRC? Schedule SE also says if they aren't willing to do it, to write to the SS Administration, Office of International Programs in Baltimore. I rang HMRC and they told me to write to my local tax office to request a "Certificate of Residence." I've not read anything about anyone else on here or other expat boards having to request these. Is it necessary or will all that be included if I file for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion?
As for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, I was resident in the UK for all of 2009. Trips home don't count in the required 330 days, do they?
What's the difference between the 2555 and 2555-EZ? I am not the most experienced at tax filing, as you can see! Also, is form 2555 meant to be filled out in place of 1040, or is 2555 simply to claim the exclusion and therefore to be sent in with 1040?
Please help!