Well even I was not dreaming of taxes back in 1962...but where did you find this quote?
The law is IRS Code section 402(b)...you might want to start by looking at that.
I am puzzled why you would owe tax though. Including income that is foreign allows you to claim foreign tax credits. Have you tried revoking the section 911 exclusion? Have you - also - considered claiming treaty relief for the employer and employee pension contributions?
the quote i pasted came from some us-uk dual tax company "owner" who posted on a forum on linkedin.
i also found this quote on the IRS site here:
http://www.irs.gov/businesses/article/0,,id=187083,00.html"If you worked abroad, your Cost might include amounts contributed by your employer that were not includible in your gross income. This applies to contributions made either:
before 1963 by your employer for that work,
after 1962 by your employer for that work if you performed the services under a plan that existed on March 12, 1962, or
after 1996 by your employer on your behalf if you were a foreign missionary (a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church or a lay person)."
i have no idea what they mean by "Cost" and "not includible in your gross income" though.
i end up owing taxes because it's also combined with money i earned in the US for the first 8 months of the year. i would have gotten money back, otherwise. i have no idea what the 911 exclusion is or how i would go about that or how the foreign tax credit system works. i assumed i couldn't use foreign tax credits on employer contributions since i didn't pay taxes on those contributions?
as far as treaty relief goes, are there any implications in claiming this if i ended up staying in the UK permanently? i really don't understand anything about that or how i would go about doing it.
i have been googling for hours and hours and i just can't wrap my head around what i am reading, or i'm not finding what i'm looking for.