I have to confess that - even though it's a bit mean - I'm kind of enjoying the way that British people are having trouble coping while I'm feeling great. This is after spending 5+ years in the UK in which I have often been cold while everyone around me is walking around half-dressed and feeling comfortable.
Today, I went to lunch with DH, MIL and my little nephew. I was the only one who ordered a sandwich. Everyone else had hot, heavy food. My nephew ordered chicken nuggets, but was just picking at the chips that came with them and wouldn't eat the nuggets. So MIL was pushing him to eat everything on his plate. - You do not try to force down meat in warm weather. MIL didn't have a clue.
Later, MIL and DH were sitting in our back garden. They had to sit in a shady spot and were too tired to move.
Earlier, I had done an hour of aerobics in the garden.
Nyaah nyaah nyahh.