I had the same hesitation when I first heard of it; my brother convinced me to go see it, and it pretty much changed my life, at least for a while, but definitely changed my outlook.
I didn't want to see it because I knew I'd get upset. Well, I learned, it's okay to get upset, and we all should be upset, AND, there's something we can each do, that doesn't always involve giving money.
I found it intriguing, compelling, beautiful, and inspiring. And from that, I ended up producing a fundraiser, volunteering when I could, and becoming friends with a few of the filmmakers, who are pretty awesome in person, as they are onscreen, and made this film with the mindset that most people don't want to see animals harmed. Of course they don't. But, it's time to know what's really going on, and know that even one person can do something. Even if it's just recommending others watch this film