@ OP: I'm also from Texas, but my boyfriend is from Ireland. We just hit the year mark in May and I can't really say this communication issue came up, mainly because we made it a point to talk to each other for an hour or more on skype everyday, unless it wasn't possible. I think for us it's been easier than for most because he was able to come and visit for three months recently, we usually only go two or three months apart before flying over to see one another. We have definitely had our rough patches though because everytime we visit each other our relationship grows so much, we get to know each other and love each other more, but then we have to be apart again for a spell. I think that was the hardest thing for us. But talking it through was what made it alright, it's so important to a relationship, like everyone else has said already.
My boyfriend hates skype, phones, etc., but it's just something that must be done. I think talking on skype might help things with you guys a lot, to see each other's face and really comprehend how the other feels is sooo important. I wish you good luck and hopefully you two will be able to work out the communication thing and get past this.