Spent yesterday in a tiny little pub in Musselburgh, just the other side of Edinburgh, which has been in the same family for 150 years, at their annual Remembrance Sunday beer fest. All their keg beers are off, as are bottled... on this day they only sell cask ale, wine and soft drinks... so not a day for the lager louts to come out for a wee jolly.

Absolutely brilliant day... after the hour-long journey, we arrived just before opening time, but were let in early to claim our seats (some of the locals weren't happy, but ...talk to the landlord, pal.) My favourite beer, Ossett Excelsior, wasn't on when we first got there, but came on a few hours later, to my delight!
Had my first taste of a Geeves beer, Clear Cut, which was lovely. Also Acorn Bishops IPA, Great Heck Citra, Oakham Bishops Farewell, and a couple of others I can't remember... all of them were nice. I didn't have a poor beer all day, apart from a sip of my pal's after she claimed it tasted of Stilton. It did... awful!!!
The polypin came into use on the journey home, but I can't for the life of me remember what we'd had it filled with!
And I managed not to break any bones. (endless teasing, as this was the site where I broke my arm in May!)