I met an Irish guy online when I was 16...he and I were internet penpals for a few years, and I actually ended up meeting him in person a few times during that time - once when his family came to Disney World (you should have seen my parents reaction to THAT! "so, can you all drive me up to Orlando to meet this stranger I have been chatting with online for a few months?" they were convinced he was a pedophile from Hialeah who was luring me to Orlando. Crazily enough, they said yes...mostly so they could prove to me that I wasn't talking to who I *thought* I was talking to. We showed up, and lo and behold an awkward Irish teenaged boy is waiting for me. LOL! They were totally shocked, but never had a problem with me talking to him online again).
After I went off to Uni, my Irish penpal broke the news to me that his best friend was heading to Uni in England and he wanted to keep in touch with both of us at the same time! I was incensed. I thought, what the heck? I don't *know* this guy? Why would I want to talk to him?!?
Well, when I met Ed online in that first three-way conversation...it was just ridiculous. We hit it off instantly and fell in love before we even saw each other in real life. I took my freshman summer to study abroad at Cambridge where he was (oh lordy, heatwave summer of '03!) and after spending the summer with him we knew we wanted to be together permanently. We had a long distance relationship for about 3 and a half years, then he moved to the States and we got married. :-) I finished vet school and now we're in the UK! Life is funny and weird sometimes.
Oh, I still talk to my Irish penpal but he changed a lot during my undergraduate years so we stopped being close. He does insist that I should name my firstborn child after him though, since he introduced me to Ed.