Hi. I can relate to this as I am very much like you. I tend to spend my time at home, taking care of chores, etc.
My DH isn't super-popular but he does like to go out with friends, have a social life, etc.
I actually think this is a very good thing because it forces people like us to be more independent and to develop lives separate from our partners.
If you ever decided to move to the UK (as I did to be with my DH), it will force you to get out and meet people.
Since I have been here, I have spent more time socialising with people than I did in the US, not just with my husband's friends but with people I have met here on my own. I think that, psychologically, that is much healthier for me.
Sometimes people come here and post about how they have trouble making friends in the UK. Having a partner or spouse who is always around, so you can rely on them for company rather than taking the inititiative to go out and meet people, doesn't help.
I have to say that I love it when I am with DH and someone that he doesn't know comes up to me and starts talking to me because I've met them somewhere else on my own.
Even if you don't ever move to the UK, it's probably a good idea to use the time that your boyfriend spends enjoying himself to develop more of a social life of your own, or at least doing things for yourself that you enjoy, rather than waiting for him to text.