I've just gotten an email from London2012 saying the full olympic schedule and price list has been released. So I click it and all it says is something like
"Basketball Prelims Session A (2 games) - £90 - £60 - £40 - £20"
All it says is what the session is. Now, as the qualifying tournaments for basketball, football, etc haven't been carried out, how am I possibly going to know which session to apply for tickets??
I don't want to go watch Bosnia play Spain. I want to watch the USA play anyone. The problem that they've run into is that the actual schedule hasn't been set, the deadline for tickets is June 2011, and most of the teams won't qualify until this winter!
Same with football. I want to see the US play, but only if they are going to play in Coventry, because it's the easiest to get to, but the qualifiers aren't finished for several months!