Hello. I noticed you said your husband is getting child benefit etc. Presumably this means you have kids. If so, then since your husband is not a US citizen/Green card holder, you are entitled to file as "Head of Household" which is far better than filing as "single" or "married filing separately", but not as good as filing as "married filing jointly". If filing as MFJ you'd have to include both of your incomes, but this may well (depending on how much they are) be worthwhile, as you can get Additional Child Tax Credits (i.e. you'll get a tax refund, which is currently up to $1000 per child per year) plus Making Work Pay of up to $800 per year. Even if you don't legally need to file, you can voluntarily file in order to get the tax credits.
PM me for more info, or email USAtax AT tiekeyaccounts DOT co DOT uk