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Topic: You know you spend too much time reading the UK-Y visa board when....  (Read 785 times)

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So I went to a 24 hour movie marathon this weekend at AMC to see all 10 best picture nominees at once. It was pretty neat. At one point in The Fighter all of the main characters travel to London for a fight, including one character that had just spent some time in prison for drugs, among other things. The first thing that sprang to mind when I saw that was, wait! Dicky can't travel to the UK! He has convictions that would definitely not be spent and he wouldn't be let in the country!

Yea, maybe I need to lay off of the visa board....:)

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Re: You know you spend too much time reading the UK-Y visa board when....
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 03:52:45 PM »
Haha, too funny. I've found myself giving people advice about UK visas (since they're not on UKY/in-the-know), and I've never applied for one. ;)

24-hour marathon of nominees sounds cool, though I don't know that I'd last that long watching movies. 10-12 hours is plenty for me.
Moved to London February 5, 2010

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Re: You know you spend too much time reading the UK-Y visa board when....
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2011, 04:08:32 AM »
It was pretty exhausting in the end. The last movie was The King's Speech, and I basically slept through the whole thing because I'd already seen it. I took short cat naps during Inception, True Grit and The Social Network. I should've slept through Winter's Bone, it was pretty terrible and The Social Network just wasn't very compelling so I fell asleep once I realized that. Definitely an interesting experience, though. They also had a two day event, last Saturday and yesterday, showing 5 movies each time. That probably would've been better but I didn't hear about it until last week.

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