I had a relevation this morning. Aside from the fact that I spend too much time on the internet.
Since you now need a passport to go to Canada and Mexico and since there are a number of religious communties (Amish/Mennonites/FLDS) that have groups in Mexico and Canada and since those religious groups have homebirths and often do not regisiter their children with the state how do they now prove that their kids are citizens? Religious certificates. Asking who was at the birth because these communites often use known midwives or elders in the church.
Also, there is a not very large, but growing, (and, in my opinion, annoying) group of shall we say hippies/society drop-outs/off the griders (and throw in there Quiver-full people) who homebirth and feel that is the child's right to decide whether to interact with society once they come of age.
They don't give birth in hospitals, not all states require you to register births at all. So what do we say? Sorry kid, your mom thought the gov't was going to implant a chip in your hand so you never get to escape her bad choices and go to France?
Or do we give them some options, NOT ALL of which they need to provide, as the form clearly states and hope that they remember that Mommy probably also didn't get them vaccinated and there is a measles outbreak in Western Europe right now.