I want calling Virgin to be my last resort, because we've already called them once and they were pretty much useless. So, I'm hoping someone more tech savvy than myself might be able to help! I ask forgiveness now for the subsequent wall of text. Just trying to include all the variables!
We've just moved house and took our Virgin broadband and phone account with us. Our old area had fiber optics, and our service was great. The equipment they gave us was a modem and a separate netgear router.
We've moved out to the middle of nowhere, so there's no fiber optics (and the lines are technically owned by BT), and they also sent new equipment along when we told them we were moving. The new set up is one of those 2-in-1 modem/routers by Netgear, rather than being 2 separate devices.
Ever since we've been hooked up, the wireless internet has worked surprisingly well (we were expecting it to be really slow after being spoiled by fiber optics), except for when trying to log into secure websites like e-mail, banking, online shopping. When we get to those sites, it just sits there trying to load and eventually times out. Also, sometimes the connection itself times out and we have to reset the the modem/router.
There is no problem with the internet at all if we hardwire the computer up to the modem via an ethernet cable. This is how I know the connection itself is good, but it's some kind of problem with the router. No matter how many times I restart it, the wireless just can't handle the secure sites, even if I use different browsers. It also can't download anything. I have to be hooked up via ethernet cable to do updates or download my podcasts. I use a MacBook Pro by the way, if that helps at all.
So, what do I do? We still have our old equipment, and I'm tempted to see if that fixes the problem. Are you required to use what they give you or is it merely a courtesy that they send you this stuff?
Should I just stop being a brat and call them back about it? They act like you're an idiot that doesn't know how to use the internet. Last time they told me it was because we went 2 weeks without the internet so nothing was updated, and that was why, and then to download Google Chrome.
Truly helpful.
I just hung up after that.
Anyway, all advice or suggestions welcome. Thanks!