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Topic: Extended ATAS courses  (Read 1700 times)

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Extended ATAS courses
« on: June 18, 2011, 01:19:27 AM »
Hi All,

I've read that the list of courses for which students must receive ATAS clearance will be extended by the UKBA on July 4th as part of the changes to the Tier 4 student visa. Does anyone have an idea of what courses will be added to the list? I have been accepted into a full-time MBA programme. Just wondering if I am still exempt from having to apply for ATAS clearance. ???

Tier 4 Online Application: 31 July 2011
Biometrics Appointment: 3 August 2011
Overnight Mailing Priority Application: 3 August 2011
Received by Consulate: 4 August 2011
Visa Approved: 8 August 2011
Arrived in Manchester, UK: 27 August 2011

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Re: Extended ATAS courses
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 08:11:36 PM »
Your university would probably know, if you can't seem to find any information.

As a part of of the ATAS Application, you will need to fill in a section outlining your course of study/research.  For this, I was provided a research statement to include on the ATAS form, which I was advised to copy and paste the wording in its entirety.

For me, it was more or less an outline of my proposed research project, spelling out that  ''no, i dont plan on making bombs and blowing up the country while i'm in the UK...'' I'm not exactly sure what you would put for an MBA, but since my university provided what I'd have to put word for word, perhaps yours will do the same if it is in fact, required.

As for timing-- I submitted my ATAS clearance application on 11 May 2010, and received approval on the 26th May 2011.
2007-Short Term Student;   2010-T4;   2011-T1 PSW;   2013-FLR(M);    2015-ILR;    2016 - Citizenship (approved!)

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