In looking at rental housing on, I'm getting very confused by the different names the agents call their properties.
I know that some dwellings will be defined differently depending on the location but, for example, (looking in the Newcastle area, where we'll live), what's the difference between a "terraced house" and a "semi-detached house"?
Here are the different phrases and what I think they mean. Please correct me or fill in definitions where I'm missing them:
Terrace - a connected row of two(or more) story houses where there are at least 3 houses in a line?
Semi-detached - two connected houses (like a duplex here in the States)?
Townhome - no idea how it's different from a Terraced house?
Villa - no idea?
Bungalow - a single-story detached (stand-alone) house?
Flat - a rented unit that comprises of a single floor of a multi-story rental building? (although when I search for "houses", I also pull up some "flats")