Well here are some pictures I thought I would share. I still can't believe we were in Eqypt. Some of the pictures look like they're reproduced by Photoshop. But I swear there're the real deal..
That's the pyramid we went into. Oh MY GOD!! We thought that it would be cool. You figure like a basement. Forgetaboutit..............Freakin' like you're in a microwave or something. To boot you're literally had to walk down a plank bent over. Glen being 6'3 was somewhat uncomfortable.
Giza Pyramids
Me and Glen
Here's the guy who said you're American without me even saying a word. For every picture they took they wanted some cash.... Persistent buggers they are.
I made Glen wear all white cotton. He complained at first but glad in the end.
Here's the bellydancer we saw while having lunch on the nile. By the way, she's an American studying in Eqypt!!! And a total sweetheart.
Insteresting architecture. That's a mosque. We walked past it on the side. So I decided to look in. All I heard from Glen was don't look in, don't look in. Of course I'm gonna look in. The doors are open. If they don't want women looking in then they should close them was my answer. Seriously though women are "trained" not to look in the mosque when the doors are opened. Guess I wouldn't make a good wife there
And here's a quick picture of the bazaar and let me tell you that is the right name for it in more ways than one. Again Glen blasted me because we were told not to take pictures of the general public because they don't like it. But how could I not.
We'll never be back there again. Had to take it for posteriority.
So that's the best of them. Our album is going to be so cool. Can't wait. We heard the Red Sea is a great place to vacation or Red Riveria as they call it!!