Nice start. I can get many of those things at a couple local shops that carry a few American goods though. I'm also surprised you haven't done stuff like Skippy peanut butter, Maccaroni and Cheese, and Hidden Valley Ranch--oh yeah, and I so agree on the pickles. I haven't found those anywhere and do miss them.
I did like your price on Lucky Charms though. It's a better price than I've seen here. I've always refused to buy Lucky Charms at the prices the little American shops sell them for--spending that much on cereal just seems ridiculous, but your price is better.
I've always been sad I can't find Cap'n Crunch. I like the plain one, not the one with berries. I might be tempted out of my resolve not to pay a ridiculous price for cereal if someone brought Cap'n Crunch over.
Oh, and I think the grocery section should have Triscuits, Cheetos, and Fritos.