I do not have any children. My husband has one son, who lives with us. His mother has contributed nothing to his care since the divorce, except for Christmas and birthday presents. She sees her son about 1x month.
My DH and I are newly married, and the only time an argument arises, it is because of his son. I was raised very differently. We did chores, respected our elders, had to participate in family events, had to eat dinner with the family, etc.
His son calls the shots, and my DH lets him. His son does nothing, absolutely and completely nothing, as far as chores go. He doesn't even clear his own dinner plate. He won't carry his clean clothes up the stairs. He has never, ever, washed a plate, wiped a table, picked up fuzz from the carpet. He never, ever makes his bed. His room is filthy 24 hours a day. He won't help carry in the shopping. He won't wipe his feet. He will only bathe 1x or 2x a week, and only when reminded. He rarely brushes his teeth.
He requires a separate meal every single night because there are only about 5 things that he will eat. Meat has to be cut for him. Potatoes must be buttered for him. If there is a gram more butter than he is used to on his potato, he'll either rudely complain, or won't eat it at all. He is emaciated. My DH gets all upset because the kid won't eat. Anything that he likes is the most expensive things you can buy. All of the dinners I prepare for him are "not good" (I am a VERY good cook).
He rarely talks, to me, his father, neighbors, friends. He claims he is "painfully shy". Personally, I think he is "painfully rude". I was very shy as a child, and still managed to talk to adults when I had to. He has never once, in a whole year, called me by name. When he *does* talk, it is usually in a very rude and condescending manner. I have tried to win him over in every way I can think, until I realized he is this way with everyone. He expects everyone in his life to cater to his every whim and desire, to serve him and do his bidding.
My DH told me that when his son was very young, his son's mother would give him candy for dinner, and let him do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, because she didn't want to discipline him, didn't want her child to be "mad" at her. My DH worked long hours and his ex did most of the day to day care until his son was about 5. Last Christmas she gave him, I kd you not, 40lbs. of candy. My DH spoils him in ways that would blow most people's mind.
I don't know why I am posting all this. I guess I just needed to get it off my chest. I am starting to feel resentful against this unbelievabley lazy, spoiled brat!
I must admit, I do wonder why you "care" about some of these things if he smells, who cares? Let him stink if he wants to, he'll soon realise that girls (or guys) will avoid him like the plague, if his room is a mess, let it be a mess, my room as a teenager was DISGUSTING. Like absolutely foul pit of death. Cups growing mouldy, clothes in a huge pile about 3 foot high, it constantly smelled of oil paint and turrpentine (I was painting a lot in those days), piles of make up and CDs all over the place, and whatever random hobby I was into at that point. My mum would try and argue with me about it, and my response was always the same. "If you don't like it, don't go in there".
I must admit I never didn't wash or shower though, I was very clean on my person, but everything else was atrocious. It's like your "time" to be a bit stupid and selfish. I grew out of it really quickly and now I'm quite tidy, but I enjoyed those years of being a bit of a slob.
My mum would go in every now and then and get all the plates and bring them to the kitchen and make me wash them, which I would complain about. I'd complain about hoovering, about pretty much everything. I'd sleep until 2pm in the afternoon.
I'd be out all night, I wouldn't call.
None of this has done me any long term damage, I'm a normal, healthy, married person who graduated uni and got a good job, yeah I'm sure it was annoying and frustrating, and I feel kinda sorry for it now, but at the time I thought it was totally reasonable. It's just being a teenager I think, and I know that loads of people are going to go on about how respectful and fantastic they were as teens, but you know what, I wasn't half as bad as some teens and it doesn't sound like your boy is either, he's not taking heroin, he's not violent towards you, he's not stealing, he's not a rapist, he's going to uni. He's just sullen, lazy and slovenly. He could be much MUCH worse.
On the flip side, the not calling you by the name, and the food stuff is ridiculous and that is something your husband should be dealing with, he's 19, not 9, he wont starve himself to death, if your food isn't good enough for him, let him make his own. Just don't react to it. If your husband wants to run around getting amazing food for him so he's not hungry, let him, but don't rise to it, and don't enter into a dialogue about it with him, let your husband deal with it, go eat your dinner in peace.
If you do need to say anything just say "I'm sorry you feel that way, but this is what I've cooked, if you don't want to eat it, you're welcome to cook something else"
If he expects to cater to your every whim and desire, then just don't. If he wants his washing done, don't do it, let him wear dirty clothes. If he wont bring his stuff upstairs then don't bring it up for him. Yes it will mean your house is messier, but maybe that trade off is worth it, because you wont be as stressed, maybe make the house less of your "job" and somewhere you just live. Have you thought about doing some free online language courses or something?
P.S, I'm now 28 years old and I've still never made my bed. I don't understand why people bother