OK, since 2011 was the first year I've lived in the UK, this will be my first time filing from the UK, since when I filed last year I just filed the 1040EZ as though I was still living there, since I spent all of 2010 still in the USA. I didn't start working in the UK until Aug. 2011 as I'd been waiting for my FLR(M) until the springtime, so I only worked for the last 5 months of the year, which means I only made less than £5000 in 2011, which worked out to just over $7000. Is this a low enough income that would mean that I don't really have to file US taxes, or do I still have to file anyways? Also, what form do I need to file, and how do I go about obtaining a form? And what sort of proof of income do I need to send along with my form, since obviously I won't be getting a W2 form from my employer? All I have are my wage slips, would I have to send literally all of them (I'm paid weekly)?