I filed form 8938 last week with my accountant and all was well. In his professional opinion, each separate account amounts to one return. He believes that penalties will be per account and not for all of them put together per tax year filing, (penalties up to $50,000 per account for those recalcitrant). On the copy my accountant gave me, each account is listed on a separate page, the IRS software would not allow for example a bank account (listed in part one) and a pension plan, (listed in part two), to be on the same page. One to be mindful of if you have lots of pension plans, bank accounts, or none financial assets that are held for investment. Essentially, you're going to get a page per account. He went on to say that the software looks deeply at the account number, perhaps for cross reference purposes for U.K banks to report back on to the IRS on USC and GC holders from next year as part of FATCA,(HIRE Act 2010).
Although the threshold is $200,000 for none residents, (single), there is uncertainty if the IRS look at the physical cash, or the on paper amount. For example, if you have $50,000 in your term deposit, it matures, you then decide to open a new one, but before this happens, the $50,000 moves to your checking account as a holding point for a few minutes. From there, it's then transferred into the new term deposit. Assuming then it's a short term deposit, on maturity; you move it into a completely different account with another bank. Although it's only $50,000, it's been moved into four distinct accounts, amassing $200,000 on paper and now reportable? The permutations can work many ways, but this is as an example. None distributed values of pension plans are stated as zero in part two (0-50k bracket). Should you take any distribution then this is the stated value. I had posed a hypothetical question to my accountant regarding the fair market value of a pension plan, (or any other part two item), where a zero distribution had taken place. If you have $5,000 in a bank account and an undistributed retirement pension account with a fair market value of $195,000, do you need to report? Those with high value U.K pension plans, might well fall into this scenario, despite otherwise modest means. Again, the numbers can be moved around so as to provide different permutations. Given the breathtaking penalties, professional/IRS London Embassy advice would be pertinent for anyone that might find themselves in one of the above mentioned hypothetical situations