Aside from all of my tarot books, I'm reading ""Inside the Victorian Home: A Portrait of Domestic Life in Victorian England" by Judith Flanders, which is fascinating.
She's divided the home up, room by room, with a chapter on each-right now I'm in "The Drawing Room" which is good, but "The Scullery" was really interesting-every time I think I'm sick of modern life I will remember the 14 or so hours it took to do laundry, because the water had to be boiled, then poured over the clothes, then the clothes were scrubbed, then rinsed, then rinsed again, and then the process started with the next load-can you imagine washing your sheets that way? And all of your clothes? And since you were boiling water on the open fire, you could conceivably scatter ashes all over your freshly washed clothes and have to wash them all over again.
And then hanging everything to dry, and in winter you hung them inside in the kitchen and it took days for everything to dry, meanwhile the dampness combined with the regular heat of the kitchen made the air thick with steam.
Ugh. I'm glad for my washer and dryer, even if I do sometimes hang stuff to dry anyway it's my choice!