Oh gosh...golly and gee...what am I not reading? (esp. when I ought to be working on my thesis film...eeep)
The Language of Vision - Gyorgy Kepes
The Orchard - Cormac McCarthy
Madame Bovary - Flaubert (although it's taken me forever to read this - it's easy to pick up, put down, pick up, put down)
The Freudian-Jung Letters - at least that's what it is. not sure if that's the title...
Coen Brothers biography.
and the list goes on...I think I may be mentally testing myself to see how many texts I can keep track of at a single go. The only thing I am not doing is reading three or four mccarthy books at a time because the man, beautiful though his prose may be, is a highly stylized writers and i KNOW I'd end up mixing stories.