The Vanguard funds have CUSIP numbers so are the US funds. I'll check the actual numbers on Vanguard's site
Can one buy US ETFs that are HMRC Reporting funds through a UK financial firm and not fall foul of IRS PFIC regulations?
If so, can one determine a fund's CUSIP number from its ISIN?
Background: I put some money in an H&L stocks and shares ISA but didn't buy any funds once I found out about the PFIC issues. So I would like to just transfer my funds from my ISA into a regular fund and share account and buy some US EFTs. I looked at some of the Vanguard ETFs with CUSIPs listed as reporting funds by HRMC but when I tried to find them on H&L. The site doesn't seem to list CUSIPs but list ISINs which seem to match apart from US prepended and an extra digit at the end? e.g.:
On HMRC spreadsheet: Vanguard Index Funds - Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth Index Fund - ETF Shares
CUSIP: 922908538
On H-L: Vanguard Index Fund Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth ETF
ISIN: US9229085389
On HMRC spreadsheet: Vanguard Index Funds - Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth Index Fund - ETF Shares
CUSIP: 922042742
On H-L: Vanguard Intl Equity Index Fund Inc Total World Stock ETF
ISIN: US9220427424
I'm not necessarily wedded to either H&L or Vanguard EFTs but it would be nice if I could use my UK salary to invest in funds that are both HMRC reporting and non-FPICs without having to convert funds to dollars and transfer them to my investment account in the US.