1)What is your favourite television show currently on the telly?
My guilty pleasure that I've been following for 8 years - Desperate Housewives. Homeland is a close 2nd. Enjoyed the Syndicate but that ended last week.
2)Do you have a pet(s)? What kind? How many?
Yes, we adopted a Westie in January and named her Lola. L-O-L-A, Lola.
3)Do you make your bed every day?
Yes, including 4 bed pillows and 6 decorative pillows. I love the way it looks when it's made.
4)Would you rather change your past or know your future?
Neither. If I changed my past, I probably wouldn't be who or where I am today. I wouldn't want to know the future, that would take the fun out of it.
5)Do you believe in Miracles? Have you ever experienced one?
Nope x 2.