Our day was very similar to ksand's, our uniform a bit stricter, no trousers, no polo shirts, tie everyday, no cardigan, crested v-neck jumper and crested blazer...and a...straw boater
Uniform was super strict, although girls rolled their skirts up at the waist to make them shorter outside of school, they would measure how long it was, with a ruler.
They'd internally suspend you if you had an undercut haircut (boys) or dyed your hair an "unnatural" colour, they'd send you to the office to wash your face if you had make up on. But you know, people did all of those things, just got noticed sometimes and took a detention or whatever!
I liked the uniforms actually, meant I never had to think about what I was wearing and it made it really difficult to tell who was rich/poor/fashionable etc .
Homework wise, it was a rota, so different things on different days, there was a lot, but I might be insane and did much more than needed.
We were never allowed to leave school grounds during school hours as my school had no sixth form. Also there was no where to go!