Yeah, PB - it's normal! You've gotten good advice here. I've found that the longer (more consistently, more regularly) I've been at my training (a mixture of both strength/weight training and cardio - primarily in the gym, plus rambling) - my hungries have levelled off as time has gone on. (I've been at my current, progressive programme for about 3 months now - wow! Hard to believe I've kept at it like that for as long as I have this time.) For the most part, my hungries are now more hormonally related (week before) than anything else.

I've been told that about an hour after a workout, it's good to have something with protein in it - like milk/dairy for instance, or something even higher in protein (lean meat, eggs, etc) -- that helps your muscles to start immediately building/rebuilding muscle tissue -- post-workout protein gives you a boost on that.
Also, when I'm feeling hungry-hungry-hungry, I will usually reach for protein as well - it's going to fill you up sooner & keep you full longer. Whereas carbs (not saying carbs are bad) are less filling & you will be hungry again sooner afterwards.
Eating little & often is also good for staving off hunger, but I think you probably already do that. Drinking water helps.
I am not doing a diet, but I have changed the way that I eat gradually over time, without going too crazy on any fad (and I don't do powdered supplements/meal replacements - although a lot of gym people seem to do that, I don't believe in it & I'd rather have real food anyway, lol). Most of my carb consumption is now in the form of fruit (and veg). However, I do still eat all the other (mostly complex) carbs
some of the time - one meal a day I'll have bread or pasta or rice etc. Some days I eat more, so it's flexible. I find that, for me, eating in this way helps to keep real hunger more at bay, and I have been slowly, steadily losing weight as well.
I think what you put down that you ate was fine! I might add
even a bit more protein onto it, if it were me. One of the things that my trainer really praised me on was my diet - when I kept a food diary for her. She said she sees so many people who are starving themselves throughout the day, because they are trying to lose weight, and often that has the opposite effect because then they get so hungry that they binge at the end of the day. She said my diet was one of the healthiest she'd seen in awhile -- especially the amount of veg we consume (much like you PB)! Well I have been cutting my booze & cake (and some carb consumption) right back over time, so that has helped.