Thank you!
I think we tried both of those... Maybe I need to just put a lot more of it IN?
I think I put whatever they somewhere around 3/4 of a cap to a cap full. Other considerations:
Are you using a washer/dryer combo? If so--How efficient is your dryer?
If using a drying rack, how long does it take for things to dry?
Could slow drying be a cause of your crunchy clothes?
The dryer bit of our washer/dryer isn't great, so once I hang the clothes on a rack, I also point a small fan heater pointed at the rack-- Mostly so it doesn't take three full days to dry in the winter! It's also been suggested to me that while clothes are drying on the rack, to give 'em a shake every so often to keep them from getting stiff.
ETA: Just dug up my older thread to see if some of those suggestions help you.