In the past I've soaked the dried chick peas overnight and then cooked them, but they always seemed a bit harder than they should be. I realize now that an hour and a half is actually not enough time and according to Yotam Ottalenghi I should have cooked them for 2 to 3 hours. That makes sense, but he also said to soak them overnight with a little bicarbonate of soda and to cook them in the same bicarb water the next day.
Well I did that, but after only 45 minutes of cooking the chick peas went all mushy and started to fall apart. Also there was a gelatinous quality to the water and it was hard to rinse it all away. I ended up making hummus with it all and it looks and tastes fine, but to serve those chick peas any other way would not have worked at all.
What happened? Was it the bicarb? Why did it cook so quickly?