Thanks so much to "the OAP" and "durhamlad" for your helpful posts.....
I hadn't realized that the
1099-Rs which TT generated were "informational" only - and not sent to the IRS. And so the entering of a fictitious EID (since TT require a number be entered - doesn't matter a whit).
Is that right ? and if so....
Whew! At least one thing sorted out.
Like the OAP - I too, question whether
Form 4852 is required - but:
Upon reflection - and given my situation with the reporting of 4 different UK "pension/annuity" income sources on line 16a, 16b of my 1040 - it's probably just as well to file the 4 different 4852 forms; the different amounts entered on each 4852 form - on lines 8a (gross distrib), 8b (taxable amt.) 8i (employee contributions) - act as backup for the total amounts shown on Form 1040 line 16a,b (which includes the 3 Annuities and UK State Pension) Isn’t that so?
And that (line 8b and line 8i - form 4852) gets to the point raised by Guya and discussed by the OAP and durhamlad:
Yes, I do have a
cost basis in each of the 3:
They were all private self-employed retirement plans and my contributions were made with post-tax income. Therefore I should be able to re-coup my entire contributions amounts. Isn’t that correct?
But, can anyone advise/confirm the following:
In 2012 I received 25% lump sum distributions when 2 of my policies were transferred from Self Emp. Retirement Plans (ie: pension plans) - into Annuities.
As I did not receive any
Annuity income from either one in 2012 (they were set up to pay annually-in-arrears with 1st payment in 2013).....I want to know the following:
Can I take (reclaim) my entire cost basis in both of those Policys by simply subtracting my total contribution to each - from the lump sums paid me in 2012? And can I then enter that on line 8b as the taxable amount and enter the contribution amount on line 8i?
By doing so I would would recoup my entire cost basis in both pension plans - before their Annuity starting dates. In 2012 - when my taxable income is so high (an anomoly due to lump sum payouts) - it would help reduce my tax payment.
I've relied on IRS Publication 575:
Page 17 -
"Distribution Before Annuity Starting Date From a Nonqualified Plan" .......
Does anyone have any experience with this?
With my 3rd policy - since it was already an Annuity in 2012 - I used the “General Rule” and followed IRS instructions in Publiction 939 to determine the taxable amount of that income ( a mind-bending excercise designed to induce eternal migraine!)
And finally....I absolutely KNOW I should have professional guidance - and that a forum is not the proper venue for my technical questions - but....I'm "in an unanticipated "pickle"...
.....and even laymens opinion will be so helpful at the again....HELP?