When I first moved to the UK - My friends had a "Tropical Fancy Dress Party" - and I said I would bring 5 Cup Salad (1 cup marshmellows, 1 cup pineapple, 1 cup marachino cherries, 1 cup shredded cocount, 1 cup cool whip- I used 'sweetened whipped cream for the UK version) - thinking in my head, that's a perfectly appropriate side dish from my up-bringing (Dad's side of family all Southern born and bred).

Anyways, my friend was appalled...
DH is very appalled whenever I regale him with stories of the jello salads, the weird mixtures of fruity jello flavours & vegetables & Cool Whip etc - and horror of horrors(!!), that they are eaten on the same plate with the savouries!

Because you know that's just
not done...

He is also appalled at the idea of the Thanksgiving candied sweet potatoes/yams - with the butter, brown sugar & marshmallows...

(I never really liked them so I don't force them on him.)
And no pancakes with bacon & syrup poured all over either. No fun, I say, no fun!