As most people have said, yes, we do indeed have refrigeration in the UK.
However, the fact that refrigerators tend to be quite a bit smaller does make some difference. As has already been pointed out, most people don't keep eggs & condiments in the fridge. Also, there's not a lot of room to keep beverages in the fridge.
So, if you're used to keeping a 12-pack of Coke on the bottom shelf, every door shelf filled with jars of jam, dressing and mayo, and with room left for 2 days worth of leftovers, a gallon of milk and a big pitcher of iced tea... you're gonna have a bad time.
My MIL and I had to come to a compromise over condiments. And when I say compromise, I mean we had to get an extra mini-fridge, and she had to get used to putting the mayonnaise and jam in the refrigerator, and not storing leftovers in the microwave. And I had to get used to a certain amount of bacteria anyhow. My stomach adjusted after a couple months.