Sorry if I miscommunicated. Really wasn't implying anything about your intelligence or relationship. As you said, that's your private life, and I didn't want to pry at all.
We've just seen lots of people come over and feel completely lost, isolated and miserable at the differences they hadn't realized would exist. I applaud your efforts to understand things better. That's important. No reading or even visits, for that matter, can prepare a person for the experience of leaving everything behind and starting a whole new life with no support system, in a foreign country. I've seen other women end up feeling trapped, and just wanted to suggest some preparation to help lessen that.
I'll drop it now, and we can return to topic. Just wanted you to know I wasn't trying to pry or be hurtful, and I only commented on your seeing your fiance because I'd seen posts in other threads that indicated he hadn't gone to the US either, so I was pointing out that a visit here would likely strengthen your visa application. No judgment there at all. We all have different stories, and I'm sure many raised eyebrows at mine, but we've been happily married for nearly seven years now.
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