Going to reply to this thread so I don't start confusing myself!
I find that the town centre can only be done so many times before it's a "been there, done that" sort of feeling.
I find this hilarious; that's pretty much EXACTLY what I tell my husband when he drags me into town. "I can only see the same things so many times..." And don't even get me started on Sundays, because hardly anything is even friggin' open.
Our friends in Shaftesbury pretty much feel the same way. Ironically, one of the couples that now live in Salisbury had moved from Shaftesbury as well, and when the two couples met, they were just amazed that they'd managed to miss each other while in Shaftesbury. The female half of our Shaftesbury couple is probably one of the loudest, most colorful people I've ever met - don't know how you would've missed her!
As for what to do to keep yourself busy... Well, I seriously recommend a hobby. I've been in Salisbury since last November, and earlier this year I decided to learn how to crochet. It gives me something to do that at least feels somewhat productive and is fairly inexpensive to get into. Honestly, though, the thing that's made the biggest dent in my misery over here has been making friends because it gives me something to look forward to and the long, boring days are just easier for me to get through because of that.
I think it's been a little bit easier for me because I live pretty much the same lifestyle I did back in the States (i.e. lots of indoor activities), but the hardest thing for sure has been not having any friends.
Sometime in the future, my husband and I are hoping to take ballroom dance classes, so I'm definitely looking forward to that as well.